
  • Loans above N300, 000.00 up to N900,000
  • Equity contribution of 10%
  • Equity contribution of 20% for express loan
  • Collateralized by Third (3rd) Party Guarantee/Guarantor with Evidence of Capacity to repay in the event of default
  • Management fee applies
  • 4% interest rate flat
  • 4.5% for express loans
  • Maximum tenure of 10 months


  • 2 reputable guarantors required (husband cannot guarantee wife and vice versa)
  • Duly Completed Personal Guarantee Form
  • Handwritten application form
  • Customer must give us passport
  • Duly Completed Guarantor’s Form
  • Passport Photograph of the Guarantor
  • Post-dated cheque Covering Principal and Interest from Borrower and Guarantors
  • A Copy of the Guarantors means of acceptable Identification.
  • Utility bill of the Guarantor
  • Duly filled application Form
  • Must be a Customer of the Bank
  • Evidence of Existing Business
  • Must run account for 8 weeks
  • For business premises, shop receipt or evidence of shop ownership required


All shops owners engaged in buying and selling of goods ranges from auto spare parts, building materials, Fast moving consumable goods, electronics, electrical parts, supermarket, eateries, bar and non-contraband goods.etc. High-end retailers, low-end whole sellers, Supermarkets, small hotels, pharmaceutical stores, spare parts dealers, Eateries



  • Loans from N50, 000.00 up to N300, 000
  • Collateralized by Third (3rd) Party Guarantee with evidence of capacity to repay in the event of default
  • Maximum tenure of 10 months
  • Equity contribution of 10%
  • Equity contribution of 20% for express loans
  • Management fee applies
  • 4% interest rate flat
  • 4.5% for express loans
  • Maximum tenure of 10 months


  • Duly Completed Personal Guarantee Form
  • Handwritten application
  • Passport Photograph of the Guarantor
  • Post-dated cheque Covering Principal and Interest from Borrower and Guarantor required
  • A Copy of the Guarantor’s Form of Acceptable Identification.
  • Duly filled application Form
  • Must be a Customer of the Bank
  • Evidence of Existing Business
  • Must run account for 6 weeks



  • Loans from 1M up to 5M
  • Lien on Cash (Fixed Deposit) where the customer has
  • Third Party Guarantee Backed with Notarized Statement of Personal Net Worth and Post-dated Cheque(s)
  • Management fee applies
  • 4% interest rate flat
  • Equity contribution of 20% for express loans
  • Interest rate for express loan to be determined by Management
  • Equity contribution of 10%


  • Duly Filled Loan Application Form
  • Handwritten application
  • Duly Completed Personal Guarantee Form
  • Duly Completed Guarantor Form
  • Board Resolution for the Loan
  • Duly Filled KYC Form
  • Realizable Collateral Required
  • Must be a Customer of the Bank
  • Evidence of Existing Business
  • Must run account for 6 weeks
  • Post-dated cheque Covering Principal and Interest from Borrower and Guarantor required



  • Loans from N50,000 per member
  • Compulsory weekly savings: Minimum of N200.00 dependent on the loan amount
  • Interest of 4% per annum on the savings
  • Penalty charge of 2% on the unpaid portion of the savings on failure to make weekly savings
  • Term: 3-6 months and renewable upon satisfactory performance.
  • Interest per month: 3.5% flat
  • Management or processing fee applies
  • Repayment mode; weekly (lump sum of savings and loan repayment)
  • CBN Interest draw back scheme applies for Agric groups and the Agric commodity must be insured with NAIC.
  • Savings serve as security in case of loan default


  • Duly Filled Individual and Group Loan Application Forms
  • Handwritten application form
  • Evidence of Cash inflow and savings
  • Third Party Guarantee
  • Members cross guarantee forms
  • Duly Filled Account KYC Form
  • 2 Recent Passport Photographs of all members
  • Photocopy of a Valid Identity Card ; Permanent Voters card, National ID, Driver’s License or International Passport. (Original must be Sighted).
  • Must have the Account for 5 Weeks
  • Members: 5 -10 (should have officials like president, treasurer and secretary)
  • Ages: Adults and as long as you have a means of livelihood



  • Designed for DASUSU customers
  • Loan from N30, 000 to N500, 000
  • Collateralized by Third Party Guarantor(s) with evidence of capacity to repay in the event of default.
  • 1 and a half day taken as interest
  • Equity Contribution of 10 days savings
  • Daily repayment
  • Tenor of loan is 1 month cycle
  • Penalty charge of 6% for default
  • Loan can be renewed upon satisfactory performance


  • Duly Filled Loan Application Form
  • Duly Completed Personal Guarantee Form
  • Duly Completed Guarantee form for the guarantor with post-dated cheque
  • Passport Photograph of the Guarantor and borrower
  • A Copy of the Guarantors’ Acceptable Identification.
  • Evidence of Existing Business or sustainable means of income
  • Shop Rent Receipt



  • Customer must have operated a current account for a minimum of 2 months
  • For express overdraft from 7% (on a reducing balance)
  • The account must have an acceptable amount of turnover on transactions
  • Customer must present a minimum of 2 reputable guarantors
  • Acceptable guarantors required
  • Customer might be expected to present collateral, which may vary from company shares, landed property etc. This is dependent on the overdraft amount and terms of repayment
  • For Salary workers a maximum of 40% of their Monthly Salary; subject to management discretion
  • For Salary Workers, Letter of Introduction from Employer and Domiciliation of Salary.
  • For Salary Workers, Letter of undertaking that the salary account will not be moved from the bank while the facility has not been repaid.
  • Where salary account is domiciled with the bank, guarantor’s cheques will be required
  • Where salary account is not domiciled with the bank, salary account holder’s cheques and guarantor’s cheques and standing order will be required
  • Admin fee applies for staff with domiciled salaries with the bank interest is 6% (on a reducing balance)
  • For staff whose salaries are not domiciled with the bank the interest will be 7% (on a reducing balance)
  • Maximum duration of 90 days


  • It covers short term financing requirements
  • Interest is paid only on the amount overdrawn
  • It allows for flexible usage of funds


Salary Earners


  • Loans from N50,000.00 to N1,000,000.00
  • Collateralized by Third Party Guarantee with evidence of capacity to repay in the event of default
  • Management fee applies
  • 4% rate interest

Back to School Educational Empowerment


  • Loans from N50,000.00 to N1,000,000.00 for the payment of school fees
  • Loans only for civil servants and the loan amount will be dependent on their salaries
  • Repayment Mode: Termly repayment (3 months)
  • Collateralized by Third Party Guarantee with evidence of capacity to repay in the event of default
  • Management fee applies
  • 4% rate interest
  • Money to be paid directly to the school


  • Duly Filled Loan Application Form
  • Handwritten application form
  • Duly Completed Personal Guarantee Form
  • Duly Completed Guarantee form for the guarantor
  • Passport Photograph of the Guarantor
  • Post-dated cheque covering principal and interest from guarantor
  • A Copy of the Guarantors Acceptable Identification.
  • Evidence of Cash flow or source of repayment
  • Must be a Customer of the Bank
  • Must run account for 6 weeks i.e. for business people
  • Salary or contract payment domiciliation with the bank

NEW DAWN ‘Helping Hands’ LOAN


  • Designed for high net worth guarantors who want to empower people
  • Interest rates and management fees negotiable


  • Guarantors and borrowers must open account with the bank
  • MOU between the bank and the Guarantor concerning the empowerment scheme
  • Borrowers must be introduced by the guarantor
  • Duly Filled Guarantor Form
  • Duly filled loan application forms by borrowers
  • Hand written application



  • Designed for economically active poor women in our communities
  • Loan from N10, 000 to N50, 000
  • Collateralized by Third Party Guarantee with evidence of capacity to repay in the event of default
  • Management fee applies
  • 3.5% rate interest
  • 3 to 6 months weekly repayment
  • Liaise with reputable NGO organisations as guarantors.


  • In the case of a widow evidence of demise of the spouse
  • Letter of introduction from village head or community leader / programme of death ceremony.
  • Duly Filled Loan Application Form
  • Duly Completed Personal Guarantee Form
  • Letter of Guarantee from Guarantor
  • Duly Completed Guarantee form for the guarantor
  • Passport Photograph of the Guarantor
  • A Copy of the Guarantors Acceptable Identification.
  • Must be a Customer of the Bank
  • Evidence of Existing Business
  • Must run account for 6 weeks



  • We offer structured agricultural loans taking into consideration, the seasonal peculiarities of agric business.
  • This will be done in partnership with the CBN Credit Agricultural Guarantee Scheme
  • Borrower must enrol with the Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Scheme.

For further details, customers are advised to contact us